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Plusieurs recrues à la WWE / Scott Steiner en colère

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Plusieurs recrues à la WWE / Scott Steiner en colère Empty Plusieurs recrues à la WWE / Scott Steiner en colère

Message  Deathstroke Ven 06 Avr 2012, 18:47

Sur son blogue (, Jim Ross confirme que plusieurs talents de la FCW auront la chance de se faire valoir à la WWE sous peu.

Il félicite les lutteurs qui ont ainsi gagné le droit d'avoir cette opportunité.


"Several FCW talents are either being introduced or on the cusp of such on a WWE roster. Expect to see several new personas in the coming weeks on Raw & Smackdown. Congrats to all who've earned an opportunity."

Scott Steiner, qui n'a vraiment pas accepté son départ de la TNA, ne se gêne pas de traduire ses états d'âme sur Twitter.

Il n'hésite pas à critiquer la compagnie en général, Hulk Hogan, l'équipe créative et le contrôle de la TNA sur les comptes Twitter de ses employés.

When these assholes got control they tried to takeover everybodys twitter page

u didnt have twitter they made one up for u people who think yur tweeting sting its not him

He told me he doesnt watch the hes not tweeting about a show he doesnt watch

Evrybody refused to sign over twitter so every wk u get an email begging u to twitter what they want

Got one today,Please tweet this;Hogan take over as GM wonder what he will do...WTF really

Even if u r not on show Please the booking team of pritchard bischoff n hogan wont book U want u to tweet about hogan

Tweet about yurself hogan nobody else wants to tweet about u u f***ing mark

Im tweeting what they wish they could

Wondeting what hogans going to do...hmmmm...hes a fn mark so hes going to make a couple of matches that ppl want to see

Nothing more unprofessional than a heel wanting to be cheered

So ppl cheer him which pissd everybody off especially sting bcuz he had to wrestle him

Have the future of wrestling garrett do something bcuz eric told him to in booking meeting....what a fucking joke

Now hes good but hes going to everything like he did when he was bad bcuz he was first good

And that produced the worst ratings ever so he went bad which was just as bad as when he was good

Then his bad wasnt any good bcuz his ratings still sucked so he turnd back to good from bad

Wtf y'all get his bullshit ....dont forget to say BROTHER ..bcuz its fresh

Stupid mofo

Remember deny u had anything to do with the release of the sex tape to try n get more sales

How kardashian of u....Homomania running wild..his shit writes itself

His ex-wife said he was gay right!!!..hhmmm who brought in Orlando Jordan.
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Plusieurs recrues à la WWE / Scott Steiner en colère Empty Re: Plusieurs recrues à la WWE / Scott Steiner en colère

Message  Invité Ven 06 Avr 2012, 19:44

Comprends pas les tweet et osef de JR :hap:

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Plusieurs recrues à la WWE / Scott Steiner en colère Empty Re: Plusieurs recrues à la WWE / Scott Steiner en colère

Message  Didier Desprairies Ven 06 Avr 2012, 19:51

Rien compris. :ok:
Didier Desprairies
Didier Desprairies
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