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    William Regal GM ?

    WP Fondateur

    Masculin Messages : 2893
    Réputation : 10241
    Date d'inscription : 04/09/2011
    Age : 34
    Localisation : 71200 le Creusot

    William Regal GM ? Empty William Regal GM ?

    Message  Deathstroke Dim 22 Juil 2012, 04:05

    Comme déjà annoncé, l'angle concernant le General Manager se terminera lundi au 1000ème RAW. William Regal fait actuellement lobby sur Twitter afin de l'être.

    I would like to let @WWE know that I'm more than capable of being both GM of Raw and Smackdown and keeping my NXT announcing duties.#Oldpro. I'm going to take off the gloves.@WWE no more part time one trick pony people in this job.#RegalforGM.


    Just to let @WWE know #RegalforGM is trending on #Tout.No more part time one trick pony people in this job please.You know it makes sense… I will put a #Tout up by tomorrow doing something that I guarantee no body else in the running for GM can do.#RegalforGM #Oldpro … And no it’s not talk,organize,matchmake,entertain,wrestle,dress or have fabulous hair. I do those better than the other candidates anyway.

    William Regal GM ? Empty Re: William Regal GM ?

    Message  Invité Dim 22 Juil 2012, 09:47

    C'est super cool :hap:

    William Regal GM ? Empty Re: William Regal GM ?

    Message  Invité Lun 23 Juil 2012, 01:21

    Regal en GM :bave:

    William Regal GM ? Empty Re: William Regal GM ?

    Message  Invité Lun 23 Juil 2012, 01:24

    WE WANT JERICHO! :bave:

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    William Regal GM ? Empty Re: William Regal GM ?

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      La date/heure actuelle est Dim 29 Sep 2024, 06:18