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    Scott Steiner disjoncte encore !

    WP Fondateur

    Masculin Messages : 2893
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    Date d'inscription : 04/09/2011
    Age : 34
    Localisation : 71200 le Creusot

    Scott Steiner disjoncte encore ! Empty Scott Steiner disjoncte encore !

    Message  Deathstroke Dim 17 Juin 2012, 20:09

    Scott Steiner, qui a quitté la TNA en mars dernier, continue de se défouler sur les dirigeants de la compagnie par le biais de Twitter.

    Il a insulté, tout récemment, Eric Bischoff et Hulk Hogan. Big Poppa Pump a de plus ridiculisé Loree, la femme de Bischoff, qui a lancé récemment un livre.

    Bonne lecture.

    You say im old hogan says he wanted to bring me back right away,you two jackoffs need to get on The same page

    Seeing how scared you were when you saw the guys lined up to slap the shit out of you and since your Such a pussy you cant defend yourself from a bitchslap,you would have thought that you would have wised up!

    But you didnt and you arrogantly came into TNA and treated everybody like shit,you trash Talk wrestlers in the media including Bret,Booker etc which is bullshit bcuz nobody has ever turned the tv on or paid for a PPV to see you but your so dillusional you think otherwise, but your whole family Is dillusional,

    Now i realize anybody can write a book but seriously your wife writes a book titled

    Common sense happiness(im not making this up) ..really...well there better be a whole chapter on Eating pussy..... bcuz according to your testimony that makes her happy Friends...Fuck You..you dont know anything about me

      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 28 Sep 2024, 12:20