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Sting critique fortement le premier "Impact" de la série en direct !

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Sting critique fortement le premier "Impact" de la série en direct ! Empty Sting critique fortement le premier "Impact" de la série en direct !

Message  Deathstroke Dim 10 Juin 2012, 21:14

Lors d'une entrevue pour "Busted Open Radio Show", Sting a eu des mots très durs pour le premier épisode en direct de la nouvelle série de "Impact', le 31 mai dernier, qui de plus a changé d'heure (20h au lieu de 21h).

Sting, qui fait référence à la cote d'écoute plutôt médiocre, croit que les fans ont raison. Il soutient que ce fut un des pires 'Impact" depuis fort longtemps et qu'en plus, bien des gens ne savaient pas que l'émission avait changé d'heure.

It wasn't fairly low. It completely sucked. From what I heard it was one of the worst ones we have had in a long time. That's fuel for the fire for you guys. I know it is. It's one of those times when you have to go 'oh my god!' You can't win for losing. I believe no one really knew that we were eight o'clock instead of nine o'clock. We were up against the NBA. I'm sorry but it was a double whammy. The very first week on a new time slot, and I just don't believe anyone really knew.

I think it's going to be a while before they catch on. I'm saying this publicly for the first time so if Dixie hears this, it's ok. I told Bruce Prichard this...that first week I don't know what it and Bobby had a great reaction, but the live buzz didn't seem like it was right. I couldn't put a finger on it. Then as the rest of the night went on I was asking around 'where's the buzz?' and everyone was in agreement. Then I started to think, we do all of the TV tapings here, we do most of our PPV's here, so it just felt like another TV taping even though we were live. But last night for some reason had a live buzz to it for the whole show. So I'm hoping this momentum will be picked up.
WP Fondateur

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Date d'inscription : 04/09/2011
Age : 34
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Sting critique fortement le premier "Impact" de la série en direct ! Empty Re: Sting critique fortement le premier "Impact" de la série en direct !

Message  S Dim 10 Juin 2012, 22:00

Flemme de traduire. Mets une traduction please :nah:
WP Actif

Masculin Messages : 108
Réputation : 4608
Date d'inscription : 08/06/2012
Age : 25

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